Last week someone told me that in his eighty-odd years he had never seen such pervasive levels of fear and anger. This observation gave me pause to wonder: how do we restore ourselves, heal our spirit and revitalize the earth too? What is true healing, anyway, and can it be effected?
When we are unwell, it’s mostly due to imbalances clogging our lives and limiting our innate capacity for joy and well-being. These internal imbalances and energy blockages often express themselves as disturbing emotions–anger, frustration, anxiety and alienation, to name a few, and also manifest through the physical body as ulcers and allergies, migraines, back pain and other forms of dis-ease great and small. The root cause of these and other imbalances of mind-body-spirit are very much in line with the Buddhist notion that our own obscurations and illusions cause all of our afflictions and suffering, of all kinds– at the outer, inner and at the subtlest levels as well. Conflicting emotions and delusion results in unwholesome acts which bring us low, mentally, physically, energetically, spiritually and psychically. In fact, longevity as well as vitality is also negatively impacted by these karmic imbalances.
The following Five Secrets illustrate how we can bring our body, speech, energy and heart-mind into harmony with awareness-wisdom, the vital wholeness of genuine well-being and ethical reality. Don’t tell anyone: these are just for you.
This is where inner healing begins and radiates outward. These Five Secrets reveal that the mind is mightier than the sword. Here we’re not just talking about your personal egocentric mind and intellect, but deeper consciousness and spiritual awareness. This soulful vehicle can be a vessel for ultimate healing as well as relative lifestyle improvements when we can learn how to step out of our own way and let our higher selves and true connection to the All come into play. Whether you are using prayer, breath practice, self-inquiry, the Pearl Principle, relational mindfulness with a partner, or crafting a new narrative story, you can recognize that there are many ways and skillful means to achieving peace and harmony. Most importantly, trust yourself to find the appropriate path to healing the imbalances in your life, and let’s undertake together this necessary journey — so uplifting both now and later.
No matter what, an oppressed spirit can and will rise again given the right support and guidance from Source who help shows the way to heal all wounds and get the energy flowing again. Hate and resentment is a breeding ground for disease. Anger is the fuel for the fire that burns oneself, and close-minded ignorance hides the truth that saves. Let’s strive to learn how to free the spirit, set a new course and intention for our life, let go and surrender, and learn simple daily ways to renew the self, re-ignite your passionate inner fire and fan it into flame, and soar on high.
“Offer up every joy,
Be awake at all moments to the news
That is always arriving Out of silence.”
-Rainer Maria Rilke
1770 Massachusetts Ave #127
Cambridge, MA, 02140