23 Jul 2009 |
Posted by Lama Surya Das | 0 Comment.
I have been collating my many notebooks and various published anthologies of words of wisdom, maxims and adages this week, for possible use in my new book projects, speeches and Dharma talks. My assistant Kathleen Albanese said she has some good ones from her mother’s time, and grandmother too.
“My mom used to say, when one of us kids was in deep doo-doo of some kind: “Don’t worry, child, this’ll make a good story when everyone gathers at the holidays.”
More of her thoughts to ponder:
~If you ever need a helping hand remember there are two at the end of your arms; one for helping yourself and the other for helping others
~ A mind is like a parachute, it works best when open
~There is nothing like a dream to compose the future
~In the struggle between the rock and the stream the stream always wins- not through strength but by persistence
~Success is simply failure turned inside out
~It is not a sin to attempt and fail, but it is a sin to fail to make the attempt
And my favorite:
When you think you may have exhausted all possibilities remember this – you haven’t