02 Nov 2006 |
Posted by Lama Surya Das | 2 Comments.
I’m at my Dzogchen retreat center in the Texas foothills outside Austin, overlooking the Perdanales River a few ranches away from Willie Nelson’s ranch and several miles from LBJ’s — and noticing the low river and near-drought conditions hereabouts, thinking about natural resources and the issue of clean water in the world today. The lack of clean water is going to be recognized more and more as a problem, and there may be water wars in the world– as we now fight wars over oil. We all know it’s healthy to drink lots of water, as well as necessary for survival. Where’s it going to come from if we don’t protect our natural resources?
Even long ago, the Buddha, one of history’s first environmentalists, recognized the reality of inter-connectedness and urged his followers to simplify their lives and desires, consume less goods, plant trees, and protect clean water from being fouled. At some point, I believe, we all need to examine — individually, collectively, and socially — the relationship between our needs and our greed, scrutinize our eating and drinking habits, and strive to strike what seems to be a healthy balance.
It has been my experience that when I come aright in this tipsy world, a whole new life meets me.
2 Comments for Natural Resources
Thank you, Lama Surya, especially for the last sentence. It was the inspiration I needed to apply to my own situation.