1) Rest in the breath while letting go of all thoughts, concerns, plans, worries, and preoccupations. 2) Be mindful of the physical sensations you feel right now. 3) Feel the good earth beneath your feet or the seat that cradles you. 4) Chant a mantra or sacred phrase again and again, with pure, undivided concentration and focus. 5) Make eye contact with another being, and feel compassion and loving-kindness for whomever you are with. 6) Smile at someone, hug someone, or help someone 7) Go outside and make contact with nature through the sky, clouds, trees, a flower, a body of water, the earth between your fingers, or any other manifestation of the magnificent natural world. 8) Read sacred worlds from the world’s wisdom traditions and scriptures. 9) Take a break, a sacred pause, an “honorable rest”—whether for Sabbath or just for an hour or two—at least once a week if not every day. 10) Listen to music, sing, dance, pray, and play.
Now breathe, smile, and relax…You have time.
~from “Buddha Standard Time: Awakening to the Infinite Possibilities of Now” by Lama Surya Das