1) Rest in the breath while letting go of all thoughts, concerns, plans, worries, and preoccupations.
2) Be mindful of the physical sensations you feel right now.
3) Feel the good earth beneath your feet or the seat that cradles you.
4) Chant a mantra or sacred phrase again and again, with pure, undivided concentration and focus.
5) Make eye contact with another being, and feel compassion and loving-kindness for whomever you are with.
6) Smile at someone, hug someone, or help someone
7) Go outside and make contact with nature through the sky, clouds, trees, a flower, a body of water, the earth...
Lama Surya’s “Awakening Now” Podcast- EP 41
Final episode of the IV Part series on “Awakening The Buddha Within”
"The Six Kinds of Mindfulness"
Lama Surya Das introduces the six kinds of mindfulness in Tibetan Buddhism. These forms are about developing mindfulness practically. Surya explores being mindful of the path; of the bigger picture in life; mindfulness of awareness; of the teachings that you have received; of community; and recollection of the source of all radiance, from which everything originates.
Elephant Journal
February 14, 2017
Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite times of year. The Tibetan New Year is also a favorite, and because the two often fall around the same time, I make a practice of reflecting upon New Year’s resolutions relating to my loved ones, and renewing my commitment to cultivating altruistic compassion and an unselfish open heart—the very essence of authentic love.
These resolutions encompass opening both my heart and mind; listening better; learning to forgive and love even those I dislike; and accepting and blessing the world, rather than fighting or feeing...
Lama Surya's "Awakening Now" Podcast- EP 37
A conversation with activist Jay Michaelson
Renaissance man Jay Michaelson is a dharma teacher, author, journalist, lawyer, activist, and rabbi. He brings insight to the political situation in the US and provides guidance on how to approach it with mindfulness and compassion.
Lama Surya Das talks with CJ Liu of Fire It UP with CJ about his own journey of finding a guru in his life featured in his book "Make Me One with Everything: Buddhist Meditations to Awaken from the Illusion of Separation". What is a guru? How does one know if they have found the right person? What differentiates good teachers from ones that are bad teachers.