Posted July 19, 2011
Empowering Our Nation: The Importance of the 2011 Kalachakra for World Peace
Last week I sat in front of the Dalai Lama of Tibet at the Verizon Center in Washington, D.C., where he was leading the 2011 Kalachakra for World Peace and heard him talk about the union of wisdom and compassionate action, and how being an honest and caring person is more important than mere external religiosity or parroting prayers and mouthing platitudes. He said:
We must be 21st century Buddhists, not just ritual faith and belief Buddhists -- and live our values in our daily lives, combining...
The Huffington Post, June 19, 2011
Among all the substances we misuse and abuse, the greatest is time. Time is life; we squander it at our peril. Killing time deadens ourselves.
Almost everyone I encounter complains that they don't have enough. But where did it all go? Why aren't our labor-saving devices and faster means of travel and communication liberating us? Or at the very least, providing us with more leisure to accomplish the things that we want and need to do, or letting us simply slow down and enjoy what we've worked so hard for?
Does anyone have time today? I do! During the 40 years...
"Life in Buddha Standard Time" The Huffington Post, June 4, 2011
The fourteenth-century Christian theologian and mystic, Meister Eckhart, said:
To reach the now, where one is present to oneself and to God therein, I say to you, be awake.”
It's so simple that it's complicated.
People often ask me: How can I make time for meditation, yoga, prayer, and retreats when there is no time? Should I get up earlier? Stay up later? Work faster or less? What about my family and relationships? How do I create spiritual space for myself?
But there’s an underlying question: How can I give anything...
The first Asian woman (she’s Chinese) made it to the final match of the
Australian Open tennis tournament last week and lost, but gave a good showing; and the world’s female chess champ is now a highly touted and
seemingly amazing genius 13 yr. old Chinese prodigy who they say might be able to eventually beat the top male grand masters and become overall world
champ. This is symbolic of the rising Dragon (China) and Elephant (India) in
world affairs of everykind, and not just population and economics.