07 Oct 2009 |
Posted by Lama Surya Das | 3 Comments.
by Marc Lesser
Amazon.com Description:
A certain kind of busyness is crucial to life, allowing us to earn a living, create art, and achieve success. But too often it consumes us and we become crazy busy, nonstop busy, and we expend extraneous effort that gets us nowhere. Marc Lesser’s new book shows us the benefits of doing less in a world that has increasingly embraced more — more desire, more activity, more things, more exhaustion. Less is about stopping, about the possibility of finding composure in the midst of activity. The ideas and practices that Lesser outlines offer a radical yet simple approach to transforming a lifestyle based on endless to-do lists into a more meaningful approach that is truly more productive in every sense.
3 Comments for Less: Accomplishing More by Doing Less
Hi I am new here. I am sorry if this this is the wrong place for this but I was wondering If some one
here on surya.org would be able to help me to choose the better category. The forums here are absolutely amazing and
certainly plan on sticking around for as long as I am welcome and learn more from you huys.
Thanks for tip, will check out this book; have you got a sequel to Awakening the Buddha Within? I’ve redlined almost the entire book which I use as my personal code-of-conduct guidebook.
I did not read that book, but I believe is a great book. Sometimes men and woman pass trought all their lives without even find time to build their spiritual life with God, and even without have time for themselves for to find truly love and enoy happiness themeselves. They are comform to this World, where everything goes faster. Love is not only sex, but is something created by God himself, because Gos is Love. Without truly love in our lives, we become empty, and that emptyness can be fullfiled if man and woman have time to fulfilled themselves.