07 Sep 2009 |
Posted by Lama Surya Das | 0 Comment.
“The Higher Power is fine, as far as that term and the common usage of it goes. However, mostly its a placeholder for something beyond ourselves that we long for but don’t understand very well. Personally speaking, I’m far more interested in cultivating the Common Power to be found within each and every one of us, the recognition of which transforms all of our lives and relationships.
Twelve Step folks and others of Buddhist or agnostic and atheist persuasion say that in their attempt to participate in their programs, they often founder on the shoals of talk about God and the Higher Power, which is understandable. Let me remind that Buddhism too has its higher power which creates everything– we call it Karma, or actions and reactions– and we too take refuge in the ultimate reliance of the Triple Gem (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) or even in a guru — in Tibetan Buddhism, for example– principles to which are ascribed various kinds of higher and deeper, transcendental powers. So a little intelligent translation in ones own mind can go a long way towards healing such outer and inner conflicts.
This is not beyond us. A little relational awareness and deepening discernment can go a long way to embracing the illusory dichotomies between God and huMan, man and woman, love and hate, heaven and earth. We can do it together.”