By practicing inter-meditation we can delight in a state of true inter-being beyond words and concepts, named and forms, while realizing the very best in others and ourselves. The following is an excerpt from my latest book, “Make Me One with Everything: Buddhist Meditations To Awaken From The Illusion Of Separation”.
The Keys to Inter-Meditation: What Oneness Feels Like
Authenticity—which arises from attention, honesty, and pure presence (of mind and heart)
Selflessness—a Big-Self-interest that goes beyond selfish, with a little bit of healthy individuation so we can take care of and be responsible for ourselves
Generosity—giving of ourselves and sharing things, emotions, energy, time, and wisdom
Patience—our commitment to forbearance, tolerance, acceptance, flexibility, and resilience
Trust—seeing who or whatever we’re inter-meditating with as a gateway to the Divine, as the mutual respect this encourages is necessary for love
Genuine love—empathic compassion, benevolence, and caring
Delight, joy, pleasure, play, fun—we don’t need to take all of this (or ourselves) so seriously
Passion, enchantment, ardor, interest in other—this inquiring mind-state is one of wonderment and goes deeper, is more emphatically connected and altruistic than mere curiosity or fascination
Openness—to the mystery, to not knowing, to not having it all worked out, and to life that is larger than our individual minds and wills
A meaningful, mutual purpose and direction—we’re doing this for the benefit of both ourselves and others, always remembering that there is no difference in the bigger picture