26 Mar 2007 |
Posted by Lama Surya Das | 0 Comment.
I recently enjoyed seeing the Oscar winning foreign film “The Lives of Others”, about artists in East Germany before the fall of Communism, finding it extremely interesting, moving, and relevant as far as what could and might happen here in our own country in the post-9/11 era of increasing homeland security, should civil rights continue to be abrogated. we all need t be more aware of what is going on around us as well as within us.
I personally find that far too many spiritual seekers and practitioners of yoga and meditation, peace and healthy living have marginalized themselves in the feel-good new age narcissim of a ghetto-like under-the-counterculture, and are far from engaged in the locale and globe we all belong to, participate in, and are supporteded by, whether we choose to acknowledge those collective benefits or not. Even the Dalai Lama of Tibet, a lifelong monastic, has said that it is not enough simply to pray and meditate, for we also have to actually do something helpful in order to positively contribute to this world and our society.
That’s why I strongly advocate thinking globally while acting locally, beginning with oneself and those immediately around us, in order to become better people and contribute to a better world, for ourselves and for the generations to come.