Lama Surya Das – Ep. 66 "Sleep and Meditation with Dr. Ian Dunican"
Sleep expert Dr. Ian Dunican joins Lama Surya Das for a discussion about ways that meditation practice can improve our quality of sleep.
“We are going to start looking at the positive benefits of meditation and sleep because many people report these benefits, but they have not been studied in this applied setting of the retreat.” – Dr. Ian Dunican
Lama Surya Das joins Krishna Das and the two discuss questions about the ripening of karma and mindfulness along the spiritual path.
“There are all kinds of karmas and all kinds of ripenings. Karma really means conditioning or habituation, it’s like a habit – it depends on many conditions. I think this may not be too useful to intellectualize too much. It is hard to understand, except that like produces like, but you should check it out for yourself and see if this is not the case; so that you can have your hand on the steering wheel of your life...
In this episode of "Awakening Now" we look at the way in which panoramic awareness allows us to act as one with our karma, instead of fighting against it.
“Panoramic awareness, higher seeing; aware of whatever arises in the field, not narrowing it down to one-pointed concentration on an object of attention like a candle flame, the breath or mantra. Panoramic awareness is open, luminous, all inclusive; the bigger frame that includes all the objects of the six senses in this incandescent presence.” – Lama Surya Das
Lama Surya Das at Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreats
Bahamas, December 2017
Lama Surya Das discusses unity in diversity, and finding the "one" in the "many." This helps us to see others in ourselves, contributing to a peaceful existence. He also shares stories about renowned spiritual guru Neem Karoli Baba and his first-hand experiences.
LAMA SURYA’S AWAKENING NOW PODCAST- EP 64 "Seeing with Naked Awareness"
Lama Surya Das continues his discussion around the Dzogchen practice of naked awareness and how its fruits manifest in our lives.
“The naked awareness practice; just seeing, freeing the mind. Experiencing, first, second is recognizing, seeing through and remaining undeceived, and third is allowing. – Lama Surya Das
08 Aug 2018 |
Posted by Surya Das | 0 Comment.
"A Buddhism Critic Goes on a Silent Buddhist Retreat"
By John Horgan
(This article appeared in Scientific American August 1, 2018 and is shared with the author's permission.)
Something weird happens to a skeptical science writer during a week of meditation, chanting and skygazing.
I’ve been hard on Buddhism over the years (see for example my critique of the recent bestseller Why Buddhism Is True). But I like to think I’m open-minded. So I recently put my skepticism to the test by going on a weeklong silent Buddhist retreat, which my pro-Buddhism friends Lisa and Bob argued was my moral...
Times of transition and challenge can prove to be extraordinarily important to the inner alchemy of spiritual transformation. Tibetan Buddhists, including the Dalai Lama, often quote from the ancient Mind Training & Attitude Transforming wisdom texts: "The enemy, the crisis, the difficult to bear can be one's best teacher, catalyst and inspiration."
Through such difficulties we can learn the necessity and benefits of letting go of your old identity, encrusted with mind-forged manacles like seaweed and barnacles on an old ship's hull, thus laying the groundwork for a new sense of self...
Sleep4Performance Radio Interview
It was a pleasure to explore the benefits of Tibetan Dream Yoga with Dr. Ian Dunican of Sleep4Performance. Dr. Dunican is an expert in the field of sleep and performance, focusing on elite athletes. He is based in Perth, Western Australia.
Lama Surya Das reflects on the nature of natural meditation, an everyday practice dedicated to seeing directly what is arising in the moment.
From the view comes the meditation of non-mediation, seeing it as it is. Then comes the natural action or conduct; proactive Buddha activity in response to needs and conditions, not reactive karmic activity.” – Lama Surya Das
Lama Surya's Awakening Now Podcast- EP 62 "Life is the Practice" with Francesca Maxime
Lama Surya Das is joined by Francesca Maxime for a conversation about the compassion, wisdom and equanimity that comes when we turn our life into our practice and begin to connect with our true selves.